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Como Configura as Proteções do Servidor






# Flood Protectors #



# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Floodprotector Options

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# The following settings can be applied to each feature:

# Interval - interval in gameserver ticks (1 tick = 100ms) in which only one request is allowed

# LogFlooding - whether flooding should be logged (only first ocurrance of flooding and total count of flood requests is logged)

# PunishmentLimit - if number of requests within single interval exceeds specified number then the specified punishment is applied (0 = disables punishment feature)

# PunishmentType - type of the punishment ('none', 'kick', 'ban', 'jail', 'banchat'), valid only if PunishmentLimit is greater than 0

# PunishmentTime - for how many minutes should the player(jail)/account(ban) be punished (0 = forever), valid only for PunishmentType 'jail' or 'ban'


# UseItem - item usage flooding

FloodProtectorUseItemInterval = 4

FloodProtectorUseItemLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorUseItemPunishmentLimit = 0

FloodProtectorUseItemPunishmentType = none

FloodProtectorUseItemPunishmentTime = 0


# RollDice - rolling dice flooding

FloodProtectorRollDiceInterval = 42

FloodProtectorRollDiceLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorRollDicePunishmentLimit = 0

FloodProtectorRollDicePunishmentType = none

FloodProtectorRollDicePunishmentTime = 0


# Firework - firework flooding

FloodProtectorFireworkInterval = 42

FloodProtectorFireworkLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorFireworkPunishmentLimit = 0

FloodProtectorFireworkPunishmentType = none

FloodProtectorFireworkPunishmentTime = 0


# ItemPetSummon - item summonning and pet mounting flooding

FloodProtectorItemPetSummonInterval = 16

FloodProtectorItemPetSummonLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorItemPetSummonPunishmentLimit = 0

FloodProtectorItemPetSummonPunishmentType = none

FloodProtectorItemPetSummonPunishmentTime = 0


# HeroVoice - hero voice flooding

FloodProtectorHeroVoiceInterval = 100

FloodProtectorHeroVoiceLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorHeroVoicePunishmentLimit = 0

FloodProtectorHeroVoicePunishmentType = none

FloodProtectorHeroVoicePunishmentTime = 0


# GlobalChat - global chat flooding

FloodProtectorGlobalChatInterval = 5

FloodProtectorGlobalChatLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorGlobalChatPunishmentLimit = 2

FloodProtectorGlobalChatPunishmentType = banchat

FloodProtectorGlobalChatPunishmentTime = 1


# Subclass - subclass flooding

FloodProtectorSubclassInterval = 20

FloodProtectorSubclassLogFlooding = True

FloodProtectorSubclassPunishmentLimit = 5

FloodProtectorSubclassPunishmentType = kick

FloodProtectorSubclassPunishmentTime = 0


# DropItem - drop item flooding

FloodProtectorDropItemInterval = 5

FloodProtectorDropItemLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorDropItemPunishmentLimit = 0

FloodProtectorDropItemPunishmentType = none

FloodProtectorDropItemPunishmentTime = 0


# ServerBypass - server bypass flooding

FloodProtectorServerBypassInterval = 5

FloodProtectorServerBypassLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorServerBypassPunishmentLimit = 10

FloodProtectorServerBypassPunishmentType = kick

FloodProtectorServerBypassPunishmentTime = 0


# ServerBypass - multisell list request flooding

FloodProtectorMultiSellInterval = 2

FloodProtectorMultiSellLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorMultiSellPunishmentLimit = 5

FloodProtectorMultiSellPunishmentType = kick

FloodProtectorMultiSellPunishmentTime = 0


# All kind of other transactions - to/from pet, private store, warehouse, destroy

FloodProtectorTransactionInterval = 10

FloodProtectorTransactionLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorTransactionPunishmentLimit = 10

FloodProtectorTransactionPunishmentType = kick

FloodProtectorTransactionPunishmentTime = 0


# Manufacture

FloodProtectorManufactureInterval = 0

FloodProtectorManufactureLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorManufacturePunishmentLimit = 0

FloodProtectorManufacturePunishmentType = none

FloodProtectorManufacturePunishmentTime = 0


# Manor

FloodProtectorManorInterval = 30

FloodProtectorManorLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorManorPunishmentLimit = 0

FloodProtectorManorPunishmentType = none

FloodProtectorManorPunishmentTime = 0


# SendMail - sending mail interval, 10s on retail

FloodProtectorSendMailInterval = 100

FloodProtectorSendMailLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorSendMailPunishmentLimit = 0

FloodProtectorSendMailPunishmentType = none

FloodProtectorSendMailPunishmentTime = 0


# CharacterSelect - attempts to load character

FloodProtectorCharacterSelectInterval = 30

FloodProtectorCharacterSelectLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorCharacterSelectPunishmentLimit = 0

FloodProtectorCharacterSelectPunishmentType = none

FloodProtectorCharacterSelectPunishmentTime = 0


#### L2j Frozen Addons


# PacketUnknown - attempts to send unknown packets

FloodProtectorUnknownPacketsInterval = 5

FloodProtectorUnknownPacketsLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorUnknownPacketsPunishmentLimit = 3

FloodProtectorUnknownPacketsPunishmentType = kick

FloodProtectorUnknownPacketsPunishmentTime = 0


# Party Invitation - attempts to invite into party

FloodProtectorPartyInvitationInterval = 5

FloodProtectorPartyInvitationLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorPartyInvitationPunishmentLimit = 0

FloodProtectorPartyInvitationPunishmentType = none

FloodProtectorPartyInvitationPunishmentTime = 0


# General Say Action (also VoiceCommands) - attempts say something

FloodProtectorSayActionInterval = 5

FloodProtectorSayActionLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorSayActionPunishmentLimit = 2

FloodProtectorSayActionPunishmentType = banchat

FloodProtectorSayActionPunishmentTime = 1



# Move Action - attempts move to a location

FloodProtectorMoveActionInterval = 1

FloodProtectorMoveActionLogFlooding = False

FloodProtectorMoveActionPunishmentLimit = 0

FloodProtectorMoveActionPunishmentType = none

FloodProtectorMoveActionPunishmentTime = 0


# Macro - attempts to Macro system

FloodProtectorMacroInterval = 8

FloodProtectorMacroLogFlooding = True

FloodProtectorMacroPunishmentLimit = 6

FloodProtectorMacroPunishmentType = kick

FloodProtectorMacroPunishmentTime = 0







# MMOCore Connection Settings #



# ----------------------------

# Debug and Develop logging -

# ----------------------------





#Don't ENABLE, just for debug use



# ----------------------------

# Config BackLog -

# ----------------------------

# Maximum length of request.

# The maximum length for incoming requests (connection request).

# Maximum number of requests, after which the requests

# Will not be accepted.

# The default is 50

# Must be equal to the estimated number of players.

# Example: Players in the game 1000 +, NetworkBackLog = 1000

# NetworkBackLog = 50


# ----------------

# Set TOS -

# ----------------

# Set the traffic going to a particular socket.

# Can be ignored JAVA-machine.

# Range: 0 <= tc <= 255 or a ban happens.

# Note:

# To TCP4 should be set high priority and should be RFC 1349.

# You can also create a type priorities bit, example:





# The lowest bit is ignored (0).

# Set bits in the priority may cause the collapse of the server.

# depends on the service and platform.

# Note:

# Applications can not change GameServer after connecting.

# To TCP6 value can be found in the header sin6_flowinfo.

# NetworkIpTOS = 0


# ---------------------------------------

# Setting TCP_NODELAY -

# ---------------------------------------


#NetworkTcpNoDelay = False


# -------------------------------

# Setting KeepAlive -

# -------------------------------


#NetworkKeepAlive = False


# ------------------------

# Set a timeout -

# ------------------------

# Set a timeout in milliseconds.

# If set to 0, the timeout will be standard.

# Timeout must be greater than 0.

# Zero timeout is defined as an infinite timeout.

#NetworkSoTimeOut = 0


# ---------------------------------------------------

# Configure repetitions Adresses -

# ---------------------------------------------------

# On / Off option.

# If the connection is closed, then turn timeout.

#NetworkSoReuseAddr = True


# --------------------------------------

# Set buffer compounds -

# --------------------------------------

# Buffer size in kbit (kilobits)

# By default (Windows) - 64KBits

# Default (* nix) - 128KBits

#NetworkReadBufferSize = 64

#NetworkWriteBufferSize = 64

#NetworkHelperBufferSize = 64


# The size of the auxiliary buffer

#NetworkHelperBufferCount = 20


# --------------------------

# Client Queue Configuration

# --------------------------

# Queue size, do not set it too low !

# Default: 14


# Maximum number of packets in burst.

# Execution will be aborted and thread released if more packets executed in raw.

# Default: 50


# Maximum number of packets per second.

# Flood detector will be triggered if more packets received.

# After triggering all incoming packets will be dropped until flooding stopped.

# Default: 80


# Average number of packets per second calculated during this interval.

# Using larger value decrease number of false kicks, but slower reaction to flood.

# Avoid using too low or too high values, recommended between 3 and 10.

# Default: 5


# Maximum average number of packets per second during measure interval.

# Flood detector will be triggered if more packets received.

# After triggering all incoming packets will be dropped until flooding stopped.

# Default: 40


# Maximum number of flood triggers per minute.

# Client will be kicked if more floods detected.

# Default: 2


# Maximum number of queue overflows per minute.

# After overflow all incoming packets from client are dropped until queue is flushed.

# Client will be kicked if more queue overflows detected.

# Default: 50


# Maximum number of buffer underflows per minute.

# Client will be kicked if more underflow exceptions detected.

# Default: 1


# Maximum number of unknown packets per minute.

# Client will be kicked if more unknown packets received.

# Default: 5



# --------------------------

# Food Packets Protections -

# --------------------------

# Interval - interval in gameserver ticks (1 tick = 100ms) in which only one request is allowed

# LogFlooding - whether flooding should be logged (only first occurrence of flooding and total count of flood requests is logged)

# PunishmentLimit - if number of requests within single interval exceeds specified number then the specified punishment is applied (0 = disables punishment feature)

# PunishmentType - type of the punishment ('none', 'kick', 'ban'), valid only if PunishmentLimit is greater than 0


# Flood protection method: check if in given FLOOD_PROTECTION_INTERVAL

# more then PUNISHMENT_LIMIT actions are performed: if this condition has been verified











# -- opcode1 0x00: ProtocolVersion();

# -- opcode1 0x08: AuthLogin();

# -- opcode1 0x09: Logout();

# -- opcode1 0x0b: CharacterCreate();

# -- opcode1 0x0c: CharacterDelete();

# -- opcode1 0x0d: CharacterSelected();

# -- opcode1 0x0e: NewCharacter();

# -- opcode1 0x62: CharacterRestore();

# -- opcode1 0x68: RequestPledgeCrest();

# -- opcode1 0x01: MoveBackwardToLocation();

# -- opcode1 0x02: // Say ... not used any more ??

# -- opcode1 0x03: EnterWorld();

# -- opcode1 0x04: Action();

# -- opcode1 0x09: Logout();

# -- opcode1 0x0a: AttackRequest();

# -- opcode1 0x0f: RequestItemList();

# -- opcode1 0x10: // RequestEquipItem ... not used any more, instead "useItem"

# -- opcode1 0x11: RequestUnEquipItem();

# -- opcode1 0x12: RequestDropItem();

# -- opcode1 0x14: UseItem();

# -- opcode1 0x15: TradeRequest();

# -- opcode1 0x16: AddTradeItem();

# -- opcode1 0x17: TradeDone();

# -- opcode1 0x1a: DummyPacket();

# -- opcode1 0x1b: RequestSocialAction();

# -- opcode1 0x1c: ChangeMoveType2();

# -- opcode1 0x1d: ChangeWaitType2();

# -- opcode1 0x1e: RequestSellItem();

# -- opcode1 0x1f: RequestBuyItem();

# -- opcode1 0x20: RequestLinkHtml();

# -- opcode1 0x21: RequestBypassToServer();

# -- opcode1 0x22: RequestBBSwrite();

# -- opcode1 0x23: DummyPacket();

# -- opcode1 0x24: RequestJoinPledge();

# -- opcode1 0x25: RequestAnswerJoinPledge();

# -- opcode1 0x26: RequestWithdrawalPledge();

# -- opcode1 0x27: RequestOustPledgeMember();

# -- opcode1 0x28: // RequestDismissPledge

# -- opcode1 0x29: RequestJoinParty();

# -- opcode1 0x2a: RequestAnswerJoinParty();

# -- opcode1 0x2b: RequestWithDrawalParty();

# -- opcode1 0x2c: RequestOustPartyMember();

# -- opcode1 0x2d: // RequestDismissParty

# -- opcode1 0x2e: DummyPacket();

# -- opcode1 0x2f: RequestMagicSkillUse();

# -- opcode1 0x30: Appearing(); // (after death)

# -- opcode1 0x31: SendWareHouseDepositList();

# -- opcode1 0x32: SendWareHouseWithDrawList();

# -- opcode1 0x33: RequestShortCutReg();

# -- opcode1 0x34: DummyPacket();

# -- opcode1 0x35: RequestShortCutDel();

# -- opcode1 0x36: CannotMoveAnymore();

# -- opcode1 0x37: RequestTargetCanceld();

# -- opcode1 0x38: Say2();

# -- opcode1 0x3c: RequestPledgeMemberList();

# -- opcode1 0x3e: DummyPacket();

# -- opcode1 0x3f: RequestSkillList();

# -- opcode1 0x41: MoveWithDelta(); // MoveWithDelta ... unused ?? or only on ship ??

# -- opcode1 0x42: RequestGetOnVehicle();

# -- opcode1 0x43: RequestGetOffVehicle();

# -- opcode1 0x44: AnswerTradeRequest();

# -- opcode1 0x45: RequestActionUse();

# -- opcode1 0x46: RequestRestart();

# -- opcode1 0x47: RequestSiegeInfo();

# -- opcode1 0x48: ValidatePosition();

# -- opcode1 0x49: // RequestSEKCustom

# -- opcode1 0x4a: //new StartRotating();

# -- opcode1 0x4b: //new FinishRotating();

# -- opcode1 0x4d: RequestStartPledgeWar();

# -- opcode1 0x4e: RequestReplyStartPledgeWar();

# -- opcode1 0x4f: RequestStopPledgeWar();

# -- opcode1 0x50: RequestReplyStopPledgeWar();

# -- opcode1 0x51: RequestSurrenderPledgeWar();

# -- opcode1 0x52: RequestReplySurrenderPledgeWar();

# -- opcode1 0x53: RequestSetPledgeCrest();

# -- opcode1 0x55: RequestGiveNickName();

# -- opcode1 0x57: RequestShowBoard();

# -- opcode1 0x58: RequestEnchantItem();

# -- opcode1 0x59: RequestDestroyItem();

# -- opcode1 0x5b: SendBypassBuildCmd();

# -- opcode1 0x5c: RequestMoveToLocationInVehicle();

# -- opcode1 0x5d: CannotMoveAnymoreInVehicle();

# -- opcode1 0x5e: RequestFriendInvite();

# -- opcode1 0x5f: RequestAnswerFriendInvite();

# -- opcode1 0x60: RequestFriendList();

# -- opcode1 0x61: RequestFriendDel();

# -- opcode1 0x63: RequestQuestList();

# -- opcode1 0x64: RequestQuestAbort();

# -- opcode1 0x66: RequestPledgeInfo();

# -- opcode1 0x67: RequestPledgeExtendedInfo();

# -- opcode1 0x68: RequestPledgeCrest();

# -- opcode1 0x69: RequestSurrenderPersonally();

# -- opcode1 0x6a: // Ride

# -- opcode1 0x6b: // send when talking to trainer npc, to show list of available skills, RequestAquireSkillInfo();// --> 0xa4;

# -- opcode1 0x6c: // send when a skill to be learned is selected, RequestAquireSkill();

# -- opcode1 0x6d: RequestRestartPoint();

# -- opcode1 0x6e: RequestGMCommand();

# -- opcode1 0x6f: RequestPartyMatchList();

# -- opcode1 0x70: RequestPartyMatchConfig();

# -- opcode1 0x71: RequestPartyMatchDetail();

# -- opcode1 0x72: RequestCrystallizeItem();

# -- opcode1 0x73: RequestPrivateStoreManageSell();

# -- opcode1 0x74: SetPrivateStoreListSell();

# -- opcode1 0x75: //RequestPrivateStoreManageCancel(data, _client);

# -- opcode1 0x76: RequestPrivateStoreQuitSell();

# -- opcode1 0x77: SetPrivateStoreMsgSell();

# -- opcode1 0x78: // RequestPrivateStoreList

# -- opcode1 0x79: RequestPrivateStoreBuy();

# -- opcode1 0x7a: // ReviveReply

# -- opcode1 0x7b: RequestTutorialLinkHtml();

# -- opcode1 0x7c: RequestTutorialPassCmdToServer();

# -- opcode1 0x7d: RequestTutorialQuestionMark();

# -- opcode1 0x7e: RequestTutorialClientEvent();

# -- opcode1 0x7f: RequestPetition();

# -- opcode1 0x80: RequestPetitionCancel();

# -- opcode1 0x81: RequestGmList();

# -- opcode1 0x82: RequestJoinAlly();

# -- opcode1 0x83: RequestAnswerJoinAlly();

# -- opcode1 0x84: AllyLeave();

# -- opcode1 0x85: AllyDismiss();

# -- opcode1 0x86: RequestDismissAlly();

# -- opcode1 0x87: RequestSetAllyCrest();

# -- opcode1 0x88: RequestAllyCrest();

# -- opcode1 0x89: RequestChangePetName();

# -- opcode1 0x8a: RequestPetUseItem();

# -- opcode1 0x8b: RequestGiveItemToPet();

# -- opcode1 0x8c: RequestGetItemFromPet();

# -- opcode1 0x8e: RequestAllyInfo();

# -- opcode1 0x8f: RequestPetGetItem();

# -- opcode1 0x90: RequestPrivateStoreManageBuy();

# -- opcode1 0x91: SetPrivateStoreListBuy();

# -- opcode1 0x92: // RequestPrivateStoreBuyManageCancel

# -- opcode1 0x93: RequestPrivateStoreQuitBuy();

# -- opcode1 0x94: SetPrivateStoreMsgBuy();

# -- opcode1 0x95: // RequestPrivateStoreBuyList

# -- opcode1 0x96: RequestPrivateStoreSell();

# -- opcode1 0x97: // SendTimeCheckPacket

# -- opcode1 0x98: // RequestStartAllianceWar

# -- opcode1 0x99: // ReplyStartAllianceWar

# -- opcode1 0x9a: // RequestStopAllianceWar

# -- opcode1 0x9b: // ReplyStopAllianceWar

# -- opcode1 0x9c: // RequestSurrenderAllianceWar

# -- opcode1 0x9d: // RequestSkillCoolTime

# -- opcode1 0x9e: RequestPackageSendableItemList();

# -- opcode1 0x9f: RequestPackageSend();

# -- opcode1 0xa0: RequestBlock();

# -- opcode1 0xa1: // RequestCastleSiegeInfo

# -- opcode1 0xa2: RequestSiegeAttackerList();

# -- opcode1 0xa3: RequestSiegeDefenderList();

# -- opcode1 0xa4: RequestJoinSiege();

# -- opcode1 0xa5: RequestConfirmSiegeWaitingList();

# -- opcode1 0xa6: // RequestSetCastleSiegeTime

# -- opcode1 0xa7: MultiSellChoose();

# -- opcode1 0xa8: // NetPing

# -- opcode1 0xaa: RequestUserCommand();

# -- opcode1 0xab: SnoopQuit();

# -- opcode1 0xac: RequestRecipeBookOpen(); // we still need this packet to handle BACK button of craft dialog,

# -- opcode1 0xad: RequestRecipeBookDestroy();

# -- opcode1 0xae: RequestRecipeItemMakeInfo();

# -- opcode1 0xaf: RequestRecipeItemMakeSelf();

# -- opcode1 0xb0: // RequestRecipeShopManageList(data, client);

# -- opcode1 0xb1: RequestRecipeShopMessageSet();

# -- opcode1 0xb2: RequestRecipeShopListSet();

# -- opcode1 0xb3: RequestRecipeShopManageQuit();

# -- opcode1 0xb4: SnoopQuit();

# -- opcode1 0xb5: RequestRecipeShopMakeInfo();

# -- opcode1 0xb6: RequestRecipeShopMakeItem();

# -- opcode1 0xb7: RequestRecipeShopManagePrev();

# -- opcode1 0xb8: ObserverReturn();

# -- opcode1 0xb9: RequestEvaluate();

# -- opcode1 0xba: RequestHennaList();

# -- opcode1 0xbb: RequestHennaItemInfo();

# -- opcode1 0xbc: RequestHennaEquip();

# -- opcode1 0xc0: RequestPledgePower();

# -- opcode1 0xc1: RequestMakeMacro();

# -- opcode1 0xc2: RequestDeleteMacro();

# -- opcode1 0xc3: RequestBuyProcure();

# -- opcode1 0xc4: RequestBuySeed();

# -- opcode1 0xc5: DlgAnswer();

# -- opcode1 0xc6: RequestWearItem();

# -- opcode1 0xc7: RequestSSQStatus();

# -- opcode1 0xCA: GameGuardReply();

# -- opcode1 0xcc: RequestSendFriendMsg();

# -- opcode1 0xcd: RequestShowMiniMap();

# -- opcode1 0xce: // MSN dialogs so that you dont see them in the console.

# -- opcode1 0xcf: RequestRecordInfo();//record video

# -- opcode1 0xee: RequestChangePartyLeader();

# -- opcode1 0xd0:


# OPCODE2 (just if opcode1 == 0xd0)

# -- opcode2 1: RequestOustFromPartyRoom();

# -- opcode2 2: RequestDismissPartyRoom();

# -- opcode2 3: RequestWithdrawPartyRoom();

# -- opcode2 4: RequestChangePartyLeader();

# -- opcode2 5: RequestAutoSoulShot();

# -- opcode2 6: RequestExEnchantSkillInfo();

# -- opcode2 7: RequestExEnchantSkill();

# -- opcode2 8: RequestManorList();

# -- opcode2 9: RequestProcureCropList();

# -- opcode2 0x0a: RequestSetSeed();

# -- opcode2 0x0b: RequestSetCrop();

# -- opcode2 0x0c: RequestWriteHeroWords();

# -- opcode2 0x0d: RequestExAskJoinMPCC();

# -- opcode2 0x0e: RequestExAcceptJoinMPCC();

# -- opcode2 0x0f: RequestExOustFromMPCC();

# -- opcode2 0x10: RequestExPledgeCrestLarge();

# -- opcode2 0x11: RequestExSetPledgeCrestLarge();

# -- opcode2 0x12: RequestOlympiadObserverEnd();

# -- opcode2 0x13: RequestOlympiadMatchList();

# -- opcode2 0x14: RequestAskJoinPartyRoom();

# -- opcode2 0x15: AnswerJoinPartyRoom();

# -- opcode2 0x16: RequestListPartyMatchingWaitingRoom();

# -- opcode2 0x17: RequestExitPartyMatchingWaitingRoom();

# -- opcode2 0x18: RequestGetBossRecord();

# -- opcode2 0x19: RequestPledgeSetAcademyMaster();

# -- opcode2 0x1a: RequestPledgePowerGradeList();

# -- opcode2 0x1b: RequestPledgeMemberPowerInfo();

# -- opcode2 0x1c: RequestPledgeSetMemberPowerGrade();

# -- opcode2 0x1d: RequestPledgeMemberInfo();

# -- opcode2 0x1e: RequestPledgeWarList();

# -- opcode2 0x1f: RequestExFishRanking();

# -- opcode2 0x20: RequestPCCafeCouponUse();

# -- opcode2 0x22: RequestCursedWeaponList();

# -- opcode2 0x23: RequestCursedWeaponLocation();

# -- opcode2 0x24: RequestPledgeReorganizeMember();

# -- opcode2 0x26: RequestExMPCCShowPartyMembersInfo();

# -- opcode2 0x27: RequestDuelStart();

# -- opcode2 0x28: RequestDuelAnswerStart();

# -- opcode2 0x29: RequestConfirmTargetItem();

# -- opcode2 0x2a: RequestConfirmRefinerItem();

# -- opcode2 0x2b: RequestConfirmGemStone();

# -- opcode2 0x2c: RequestRefine();

# -- opcode2 0x2d: RequestConfirmCancelItem();

# -- opcode2 0x2e: RequestRefineCancel();

# -- opcode2 0x2f: RequestExMagicSkillUseGround();

# -- opcode2 0x30: RequestDuelSurrender();






# -- opcode1 0x07: AuthGameGuard();

# -- opcode1 0x00: RequestAuthLogin();

# -- opcode1 0x05: RequestServerList();

# -- opcode1 0x02: RequestServerLogin();



# List of not checked OPCODES ---> if server receive a Packet that has

# OpCode into this protected list, it will not be checked by Flood Protector.

# If you want disable check on a LoginServer OpCode, just provide into the

# list values as "L,OpCodeA;L,OpCodeB;....", meanwhile if you want to disable

# check on a Gameserver Opcode, just provide into the list values as "G,OpCode1".

# If the Gameserver OpCode1 is 0xd0, you "can" specify which OpCode2 you want to

# allow, "G,0xd0,OpCode2A,OpCode2B...". If you want make something mixed, just

# provide mixed values:


# Example ListOfProtectedOpCodes1=G,0x48;G,0x04;L,0x07;G,0xd0,0x0a;


# This means "allow my server to be flooded by ValidationPotiion Packets, Action Packets,

# AuthGameGuard Packets and RequestSetSeed Packets" .








# Other Settings #



# Check the characters on the left Skills

# If a player is multiskill, illegal skills will be automaticly removed

# Checks skills during Enter World and during Subclass

# IMPORTANT: Put True for server security.

CheckSkillsOnEnter = True


# Check the characters Nick name on login

# IMPORTANT: Put True for server security.

CheckNameOnEnter = True


# On / off protection from re-enchant

# The GMs do not apply

# If a player log with an item Overenchanted he will be banned.

# IMPORTANT: Put True for server security.

ProtectorEnchant = False


# Ban a player if he buys a 0 adena?

# IMPORTANT: Put True for server security.

OnlyGMItemsFree = True


# Ban a player if he teleports to 0 adena?

# IMPORTANT: Put True for server security.

OnlyGMTeleportFree = True


# On / Off exploit protection

# True: exploit protection actived

# False: exploit protection deactivated

# IMPORTANT: Put True for server security.

BypassValidation = True


# Allow players to run multiple windows with a single IP address.

# In the game you can use the command // find_dualbox

AllowDualBox = True

AllowedBoxes = 2

AllowDualBoxInOly = False

AllowDualBoxInEvent = False



# Bot Protection #



# L2WalkerProtection

# True: protection from bots ON

# False: protection from bots OFF

L2WalkerProtection = False


# L2NetProtection

# On / off protection against bots by giving the char to write a word.

# IMPORTANT: you must modify the file server/config/questionwords.txt

BotProtect = False

# The time after which after entering a character in the game will be asked (minutes).

#! Attention to display the questions used by the window with training nubov.

#! so do not recommend a small number, because the quest may be broken.

BotProtectFirstCheck = 15

# The time interval, which will take place from the previous question until the next (minutes).

BotProtectNextCheck = 60

# Amount of time allowed for giving the answer (seconds).

BotProtectAnsver = 200






# Packets Settings #



# ---------------------------------------------

# Configure Packet Filtering -

# ---------------------------------------------

# On / off filtering of unknown packets

UnknownPacketProtection = True


# How many packets to "action"

UnknownPacketsBeforeBan = 5


# Step

# 1 - tell GM

# 2 - kick player

# 3 - Kick and ban player

UnknownPacketsPunishment = 2


# Debugging unknown packets

# Displays information about the packet

UnknownDebugPackets = False

# Debugging packets

# Displays information about the packet

# ATTENTION: when enabled, this option will create big size logs into

# gameserver/log/game/, so put attention!!!

DebugPackets = false







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3 respostass a esta questão

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  • 0

hola esto bien con el sorcer 1132 muy bon

como lo agrego se puede agregar al sorcel datapack gracias

Editado por jorge eduardo

El Universo Conpira Ante Mi y yo soy El Lujo del Mundo Eterno

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