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[Interlude] Pre-Config L2jBrasil


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@ maceduh


memoria insuficiente pra spawna todos os guarda numa siege

tente aumenta a memoria no gameserver.bat pra ver c da certo.


svn | timeline

activeMember.sendMessage("Quase tudo é possível quando se tem dedicação e habilidade. Grandes trabalhos são realizados não pela força, mas pela perseverança")

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depende tbm qnts voce tem de memoria ram


REM -------------------------------------

REM Default parameters for a basic server.

java -Xmx512m -cp bsf.jar;bsh-2.0b4.jar;commons-logging-1.1.jar;mmocore.jar;javolution.jar;c3p0-;mysql-connector-java-5.0.7-bin.jar;L2JBrasil.jar;jython.jar


REM If you have a big server and lots of memory, you could experiment for example with

REM java -server -Xmx1536m -Xms1024m -Xmn512m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -Xnoclassgc -XX:+AggressiveOpts

REM -------------------------------------


svn | timeline

activeMember.sendMessage("Quase tudo é possível quando se tem dedicação e habilidade. Grandes trabalhos são realizados não pela força, mas pela perseverança")

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pr arumar isso ai nao da pr pega buff qualto coloco assim pr fica com adm ou gm no serve e o tvt pq nao pega da //tvt e nao aparece nada queria sabre o porque ta assim o resto do serve pega blz me add ai nao msn me respode vlws [email protected]


# Configure GM AccessLevels

GMAccessLevel = 200

GMMinLevel = 100

GMCanAltG = 100

GMCanAnnounce = 100

GMCanBan = 200

GMCanBanChat = 200

GMCanShop = 200

GMCanDelete = 200

GMCanKick = 200

GMMenu = 200

GMGodMode = 100

GMCanEditChar = 200

GMCanEditCharOther = 200

GMCanViewChar = 100

GMCanEditNPC = 200

GMCanViewNPC = 200

GMCanTeleport = 100

GMCanTeleportOther = 200

GMCanRestart = 100

GMMonsterRace = 200

GMRider = 200

GMFastUnstuck = 100

GMResurectFixed = 200

GMEnchant = 200

GMDoor = 100

GMRes = 200

GMPeaceAttack = 200

GMHeal = 200

GMUnblock = 100

GMCache = 200

GMTalkBlock = 200

GMTest = 200


#Disable Transaction

# False = Transaction enable for GM

# Max,Min = Transaction disable for this range

GMDisableTransaction = False


# Minimum level to deal damage

# (GM with level below won't deal damage)

GMCanGiveDamage = 90

# GM with level below or equal don't take aggro)

GMDontTakeAggro = 90

# GM with level below or equal don't take Exp/Sp)

GMDontGiveExpSp = 90# Configure GM AccessLevels

GMAccessLevel = 200

GMMinLevel = 100

GMCanAltG = 100

GMCanAnnounce = 100

GMCanBan = 200

GMCanBanChat = 200

GMCanShop = 200

GMCanDelete = 200

GMCanKick = 200

GMMenu = 200

GMGodMode = 100

GMCanEditChar = 200

GMCanEditCharOther = 200

GMCanViewChar = 100

GMCanEditNPC = 200

GMCanViewNPC = 200

GMCanTeleport = 100

GMCanTeleportOther = 200

GMCanRestart = 100

GMMonsterRace = 200

GMRider = 200

GMFastUnstuck = 100

GMResurectFixed = 200

GMEnchant = 200

GMDoor = 100

GMRes = 200

GMPeaceAttack = 200

GMHeal = 200

GMUnblock = 100

GMCache = 200

GMTalkBlock = 200

GMTest = 200


#Disable Transaction

# False = Transaction enable for GM

# Max,Min = Transaction disable for this range

GMDisableTransaction = False


# Minimum level to deal damage

# (GM with level below won't deal damage)

GMCanGiveDamage = 90

# GM with level below or equal don't take aggro)

GMDontTakeAggro = 90

# GM with level below or equal don't take Exp/Sp)

GMDontGiveExpSp = 90

Editado por ther
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putz nao intendi nada do que voce quis dizer ..


svn | timeline

activeMember.sendMessage("Quase tudo é possível quando se tem dedicação e habilidade. Grandes trabalhos são realizados não pela força, mas pela perseverança")

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ai para vcs baixa servidor bom de mais ^^

msn [email protected]

baixa isso tudo ai e colca o npc arumando no navicat

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


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como cria mesmo ? e coloca as fotos mais o serve ficou bom mano

e como tirra esse serve ai q coloquei mesmo vou coloca um mais massa

meu msn me respode blz vou espera

vc respode msn [email protected]

Editado por sterfferson
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qual id pr pega o outro buff

tem q arumar isso ai pq quanto coloca de outro serve nao da pr adm pega buff

pq mesmo e isso tem q arumar la em GMAccess esse parada ai


# Configure GM AccessLevels

GMAccessLevel = 100

GMMinLevel = 100

GMCanAltG = 100

GMCanAnnounce = 100

GMCanBan = 100

GMCanBanChat = 100

GMCanShop = 100

GMCanDelete = 100

GMCanKick = 100

GMMenu = 100

GMGodMode = 100

GMCanEditChar = 100

GMCanEditCharOther = 100

GMCanViewChar = 100

GMCanEditNPC = 100

GMCanViewNPC = 100

GMCanTeleport = 100

GMCanTeleportOther = 100

GMCanRestart = 100

GMMonsterRace = 100

GMRider = 100

GMFastUnstuck = 100

GMResurectFixed = 100

GMEnchant = 100

GMDoor = 100

GMRes = 100

GMPeaceAttack = 100

GMHeal = 100

GMUnblock = 100

GMCache = 100

GMTalkBlock = 100

GMTest = 100


#Disable Transaction

# False = Transaction enable for GM

# Max,Min = Transaction disable for this range

GMDisableTransaction = False


# Minimum level to deal damage

# (GM with level below won't deal damage)

GMCanGiveDamage = 90

# GM with level below or equal don't take aggro)

GMDontTakeAggro = 90

# GM with level below or equal don't take Exp/Sp)

GMDontGiveExpSp = 90


# Allow different name color for GM and Admin characters.

GMNameColorEnabled = True

# Color to use for Admin names, if enabled. (access level 100+).

# (Must be in hex BGR format: eg. 00FF00 = Green)

AdminNameColor = 00FF00

# Color to use for GM names, if enabled. (access level 75+).

# (Must be in hex BGR format: eg. FFFF00 = Yellow)

GMNameColor = FFFF00


# Allow different title color for GM and Admin characters.

GMTitleColorEnabled = True


# Color to use for Admin titles, if enabled. (access level 100+).

# (Must be in hex BGR format: eg. 00FF00 = Green)

AdminTitleColor = 00FF00


# Color to use for GM titles, if enabled. (access level 75+).

# (Must be in hex BGR format: eg. FFFF00 = Yellow)

GMTitleColor = FFFF00


# Enable GMs to have the glowing aura of a Hero character.

GMHeroAura = False


# Auto set invulnerable status to a GM on login.

GMStartupInvulnerable = False

# Auto set invisible status to a GM on login.

GMStartupInvisible = False

# Auto block private messages to a GM on login.

GMStartupSilence = False

# Auto list GMs in GM list (/gmlist) on login.

GMStartupAutoList = True

# Show the GM's name behind an announcement made by him

# Example: "Announce: hi [Leviathan]"

GMShowAnnouncerName = False


e como coloca pr pega mais buff so tem duas baras la de buff

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qual id pr pega o outro buff

tem q arumar isso ai pq quanto coloca de outro serve nao da pr adm pega buff

pq mesmo e isso tem q arumar la em GMAccess esse parada ai


# Configure GM AccessLevels

GMAccessLevel = 100

GMMinLevel = 100

GMCanAltG = 100

GMCanAnnounce = 100

GMCanBan = 100

GMCanBanChat = 100

GMCanShop = 100

GMCanDelete = 100

GMCanKick = 100

GMMenu = 100

GMGodMode = 100

GMCanEditChar = 100

GMCanEditCharOther = 100

GMCanViewChar = 100

GMCanEditNPC = 100

GMCanViewNPC = 100

GMCanTeleport = 100

GMCanTeleportOther = 100

GMCanRestart = 100

GMMonsterRace = 100

GMRider = 100

GMFastUnstuck = 100

GMResurectFixed = 100

GMEnchant = 100

GMDoor = 100

GMRes = 100

GMPeaceAttack = 100

GMHeal = 100

GMUnblock = 100

GMCache = 100

GMTalkBlock = 100

GMTest = 100


#Disable Transaction

# False = Transaction enable for GM

# Max,Min = Transaction disable for this range

GMDisableTransaction = False


# Minimum level to deal damage

# (GM with level below won't deal damage)

GMCanGiveDamage = 90

# GM with level below or equal don't take aggro)

GMDontTakeAggro = 90

# GM with level below or equal don't take Exp/Sp)

GMDontGiveExpSp = 90


# Allow different name color for GM and Admin characters.

GMNameColorEnabled = True

# Color to use for Admin names, if enabled. (access level 100+).

# (Must be in hex BGR format: eg. 00FF00 = Green)

AdminNameColor = 00FF00

# Color to use for GM names, if enabled. (access level 75+).

# (Must be in hex BGR format: eg. FFFF00 = Yellow)

GMNameColor = FFFF00


# Allow different title color for GM and Admin characters.

GMTitleColorEnabled = True


# Color to use for Admin titles, if enabled. (access level 100+).

# (Must be in hex BGR format: eg. 00FF00 = Green)

AdminTitleColor = 00FF00


# Color to use for GM titles, if enabled. (access level 75+).

# (Must be in hex BGR format: eg. FFFF00 = Yellow)

GMTitleColor = FFFF00


# Enable GMs to have the glowing aura of a Hero character.

GMHeroAura = False


# Auto set invulnerable status to a GM on login.

GMStartupInvulnerable = False

# Auto set invisible status to a GM on login.

GMStartupInvisible = False

# Auto block private messages to a GM on login.

GMStartupSilence = False

# Auto list GMs in GM list (/gmlist) on login.

GMStartupAutoList = True

# Show the GM's name behind an announcement made by him

# Example: "Announce: hi [Leviathan]"

GMShowAnnouncerName = False


e como coloca pr pega mais buff so tem duas baras la de buff


mano tu ja ta pegando carona aqui e me zuando que ta fazendo um pre-conf melhor que o meu e não sabe configura isso, ai e F.....

Editado por biLL


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