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sunrise problem



Hello i have used this achivement engine all working fine but when i open Enemy and Othes tab im getting Critical error and in the game server im getting this message WARN: Html is too long! this will crash the client!...i've tried changing the htmls but nothing so far..

Sound Of Silence

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Agora, Katsiadas disse:

Olá, eu usei este motor achivement funcionando bem, mas quando abro a guia Enemy e Othes estou recebendo um erro crítico e no servidor do jogo estou recebendo esta mensagem WARN: Html is too long! isso irá travar o cliente! ... Eu tentei mudar o htmls, mas nada até agora ..

Good evening Katsiadas, next, as I understand it, you're saying that HTML is too long, try to re-edit it or something! re-edit it in the core before compiling!

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This is because you added too many new achievements which the engine is not made to support. You will need to edit your self so it goes into pages. Good luck

Tempo é valioso e tempo é dinheiro. Não gaste o meu que eu não gasto o seu. 

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