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L2JHellas Free Interlude Project

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Guishermo King  you did not even use it, and just talking. you dont even know what it is.

 fix your problems in l2jfrozen and dont talk about hellas again, try to fix your hit delay (alone with no help ) and then we will talk again. otherwise go back to your jfrozen cave kid.


xNaRcOtIcOs its fixed in latest rev.

its good to report problems in forum not here. in forum it will be fixed faster.


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Editado por AbSoLuTePoWeR


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  • 2 weeks later...
Em 10/12/2019 at 10:13, AbSoLuTePoWeR disse:

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 new updates 🙂

Revision 557:

-PackageSendableList:  item type.
-player : on pickup item added a task to wait for the animation to finish.
-player : interact with a moving npc player stop movement to avoid ungly stuck effect.
-olympiad npe thanks to Velucio for report.
-Admin Commands run through a task, that way we avoid to freeze the server.
example: //respawn-reload npc now you dont feel anything.
-invetory items update thanks to NoWayOut.
-npc spawn store(due rework), thanks to NoWayOut.
-monsters attacking skills(due rework) thanks to NoWayOut.
Added Quests:

-custom raid event.
-raid event sql parameter.
-hitman sql parameter.
-raid event htmls.
and more unused classes.

-Emum player-items-skills-sound  has been moved to respective classes-package.
-L2Item-invetory has been moved to respective classes-package.
-L2Party-Partymatch-l2commandchanngel has been moved to package.
-Events seperate engine-managers.

dont forget to update your database.


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  • 2 weeks later...

new updates :)

Revision 558:
-Action,RequestMagicSkillUse,UseItem added onActionRequest 
-getAi npe.
-monster return home if the target is dead.
-prevent to request-move in same position.
-recipe craft exploit.
-On player die stop FakeDeath effect.
-trade exploit.
-CharacterCreate messages corrected.
-EventEngine cpu overload.
-Conditionplayerstate side position.
-Remove lucky skill if player lvl > 9 l20ff like.thanks Cibo for report.
-Spoil thanks Cibo for report.
-geodata target issue, thanks to NoWayOut-Cibo for report.
-character running backwards thanks to Cibo for report.
-On player hit if the target is invul sound shield implemented l20ff like.
-CCE on maybeMoveToPawn.
-Player Recommend(improvement-fix):avoid using expencive operation.(search target)
-Gm View Character henna info.
-Ground skilluse: heading correction.
-Ground skilluse(improvement+exploit): avoid using expencive operation. 
search skill id from player's skills instead of skilltable.

-movetoloc(slight rework)
-updateposition(slight rework)

-Position(unity emum)
-ChatType(unity emum) replace integer types and edit classes to feet with the new emum.
-PlayerCreateFailReason(emum) and edit CharacterCreate-CharCreateFail to feet with the new emum.
-NobleSkills(emum) and edit classes to feet with the new emum.
-HeroSkills(emum) and edit classes to feet with the new emum.

-Formulas:Dmg bonuses in PvP fight(custom)
-SiegeReward (custom)
-account manager(sql) thanks Cibo for report.
-Config MAX_CHAT_LENGTH and replaced in Say2 static lenght(100).
-Config ALLOWL2WALKER (its static true.)
-ChatFilterPunishment config, and kept only the main chatfilter.
-hasVotedHop-hasVotedTop unused sqls-methods. from characters.sql

-PetitionState moved in emum.player package.
-PetitionType moved in emum.player package.

Dont forget to update your database.


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  • 2 months later...

Revision 559:

-Store message limit.
-sql char id load.
-Recipe + clean up.
-enchanted items properly show in tradelist.
-player : on stop fakedeath effect added a task to wait for the animation to finish.
-topzone exception.
-Summon following the owner(heading correction) l2off like.
-npc movement sync.
-cubic heal range.
-Attack pole to feet with the new aura skills.
-fix lag during siege optimization + clean up has been done.
-summon pet fix, thanks to daffynash for report.
-Seal of Ruler fix thanks to Fortitude for report.
-double dammage message thanks Nimblex for report.
-Frintezza teleport thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Valakas teleport thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Valakas max 300 players(allow enter). l2off like. thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Olympiad teleport thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Olympiad register thanks to Fortitude for report.
-olympiad flag thanks to Fortitude for report.
-olympiad buffheal players on 60 secs l2off like.thanks to Fortitude for report.
=olympiad auto/forced attack prevent during countdown.thanks to Fortitude for report.
-When a player interact with a npc(RequestBypassServer) first checks target
and then through all objects to find the npc. which is leading to a good optimization.

Skill fix
-Skill Aura flash 100% remove target l2off like.thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Bluff skill 60 % chance l2off like.thanks to Fortitude for report. 
-CC Imperium skill allow player to invite-Accept instantly thanks to Fortitude for report.
-reflect physical skill damage thanks Nimblex-daffynash for report.
-Mirage skill thanks Nimblex-daffynash for report.
-Skill Earthquake (347) can be used with out target l2off like. thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Skill Earthquake allow to use during olympiad countdown l2off like thanks to Fortitude for report.
-All TARGET_AURA skills has been fixed.
-Skills that require shield thanks to Fortitude for the fix.




-FloodProtectors configs moved inside Options config.
-FrequentSkill moved in enum.skills package.
-Formulas Funcs moved inside gameserver.skills.funcsCalc.
-AquireSkillInfo rename to -> AcquireSkillInfo.
-AquireSkillList rename to -> AcquireSkillList.

Dont forget to update your database too.


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35 minutos atrás, AbSoLuTePoWeR disse:

Revision 559:

-Store message limit.
-sql char id load.
-Recipe + clean up.
-enchanted items properly show in tradelist.
-player : on stop fakedeath effect added a task to wait for the animation to finish.
-topzone exception.
-Summon following the owner(heading correction) l2off like.
-npc movement sync.
-cubic heal range.
-Attack pole to feet with the new aura skills.
-fix lag during siege optimization + clean up has been done.
-summon pet fix, thanks to daffynash for report.
-Seal of Ruler fix thanks to Fortitude for report.
-double dammage message thanks Nimblex for report.
-Frintezza teleport thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Valakas teleport thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Valakas max 300 players(allow enter). l2off like. thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Olympiad teleport thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Olympiad register thanks to Fortitude for report.
-olympiad flag thanks to Fortitude for report.
-olympiad buffheal players on 60 secs l2off like.thanks to Fortitude for report.
=olympiad auto/forced attack prevent during countdown.thanks to Fortitude for report.
-When a player interact with a npc(RequestBypassServer) first checks target
and then through all objects to find the npc. which is leading to a good optimization.

Skill fix
-Skill Aura flash 100% remove target l2off like.thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Bluff skill 60 % chance l2off like.thanks to Fortitude for report. 
-CC Imperium skill allow player to invite-Accept instantly thanks to Fortitude for report.
-reflect physical skill damage thanks Nimblex-daffynash for report.
-Mirage skill thanks Nimblex-daffynash for report.
-Skill Earthquake (347) can be used with out target l2off like. thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Skill Earthquake allow to use during olympiad countdown l2off like thanks to Fortitude for report.
-All TARGET_AURA skills has been fixed.
-Skills that require shield thanks to Fortitude for the fix.




-FloodProtectors configs moved inside Options config.
-FrequentSkill moved in enum.skills package.
-Formulas Funcs moved inside gameserver.skills.funcsCalc.
-AquireSkillInfo rename to -> AcquireSkillInfo.
-AquireSkillList rename to -> AcquireSkillList.

Dont forget to update your database too.

realmete é  uma otima revisão pena que são poucos que sabem trabalhar com essa revisão




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Revisão 559 compilada:

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L2STUDIO, seu servidor está aqui!
Não me faça perder tempo se você não tem dinheiro para pagar pelos serviços e produtos. Obrigado!

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  • 3 weeks later...

new updates :) 


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compiled 563 :

Revision 563:

-added cooltime on skill 347 EarthQuake.
-Siege sound on start-end
-npc Typo thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-revert config for control towers.
-quests npe. reports from live server.
-items on ground npe report from live server.
-Door control with geodata report from live server.
-player can switch target on cast normaly. report from live server.
-curse from raid now can be dissable properly thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-PremiumService date. thanks to thomasi7 for report.
-Lost nest skills time . thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-npe onActionShift.
-properly delete player on logout-restart. thanks to thomasi7 for report.
-hp-mp player stuck report from live server.
-Player spawn protect thanks to proGenitor for report.
-Crystallize item message-item update.

-Ally info.

-ItemHandler AdventurerBox , support for Adventurer's Box.
-new antibot system.
-Custom Shop //spawn 100  main idea by StinkyMadness .
-Custom buffer //spawn 52.main idea by TrySkell.
-Custom GateKeeper //spawn 50017 main idea by lampros.
-Event manager //spawn 70010

-checkIfDoorsBetween from move MoveBackwardToLocation-cansee(due cpu-memorry load)
-version-revision from build-configs.
-CharMoveToLocation and kept MoveToLocation.
-XMLDocumentFactory and kept the main xml parser.

-Wedding config moved inside Config/mods.
-Event configs moved inside data/xml Events.xml.

dont forget to update your database.


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  • 2 weeks later...

new updates :) 


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you can download source from here :  

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or download ready compiled from here :

4shared rev 564:  

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mediafire rev 564: 

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for more info you can visit the forum. :)

Revision 564:

-Barakiel attack intention. thanks to proGenitor for report.
-typo-dissabled configs thanks to ChrizyS for patch.
-Skill reuse after olympiad match end. thanks to proGenitor for report.
-olympiad acumen buff revert back, report-patch from proGenitor.
-Teleport to location avoid double login durring critical-disconnect thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-on action target stuck. thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-Drop list html long, thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-Orfen double spawn,respawn time,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-quests npe,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-autoloot-pickup + clean up ,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-unstuck animation properly shown .
-sql char delete wrong id ,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-pet soulshots properly usage ,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-monsters: on cast stop move.

-premium clean up,properly sql update.

-unused configs thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-unused sqls.

-life stone rates moved inside Rates.ini
-AltGameExponentXp-sp moved inside Rates.ini
-AltMembersCanWithdrawFromClanWH,RemoveCastleCirclets moved inside clan.ini

dont forget to update your database.


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2 minutos atrás, AbSoLuTePoWeR disse:

new updates 🙂


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you can download source from here :  

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or download ready compiled from here :

4shared rev 564:  

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mediafire rev 564: 

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for more info you can visit the forum. 🙂

Revision 564:

-Barakiel attack intention. thanks to proGenitor for report.
-typo-dissabled configs thanks to ChrizyS for patch.
-Skill reuse after olympiad match end. thanks to proGenitor for report.
-olympiad acumen buff revert back, report-patch from proGenitor.
-Teleport to location avoid double login durring critical-disconnect thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-on action target stuck. thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-Drop list html long, thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-Orfen double spawn,respawn time,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-quests npe,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-autoloot-pickup + clean up ,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-unstuck animation properly shown .
-sql char delete wrong id ,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-pet soulshots properly usage ,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-monsters: on cast stop move.

-premium clean up,properly sql update.

-unused configs thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-unused sqls.

-life stone rates moved inside Rates.ini
-AltGameExponentXp-sp moved inside Rates.ini
-AltMembersCanWithdrawFromClanWH,RemoveCastleCirclets moved inside clan.ini

dont forget to update your database.


AbsolutePower I wanted the mod sub acu in the review, could you please put it for me?  

pastebin mod sub acu

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7 horas atrás, Jugger disse:

@Poder absoluto


Olá, primeiro obrigado pelo projeto, gostaria de saber se posso fazer uma taxa média on-line.

Depende vai ser multi crafter? se for o spoil ta pegando não

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Em 27/04/2020 at 16:58, lineage2MasterGame disse:


AbsolutePower I wanted the mod sub acu in the review, could you please put it for me?  

pastebin mod sub acu

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no mate i will not put  this on the project, if you can't put it by your self tell me where did you stuck and i will help you.

Em 27/04/2020 at 18:47, Jugger disse:



Hello, first thanks for the project, I would like to know if it does I can do a mid rate for online.

yes you can use it for mid rate. :) project can be used for low-mid-high  rate.


L2Jhellas discord :  

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Editado por AbSoLuTePoWeR


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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 7 months later...
5 horas atrás, AbSoLuTePoWeR disse:

hello guys :) i decided to share l2jhellas latest revision 571 (compiled) because 568 was outdated. visit our forum for more info here :  

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Olá, o acesso a source é privado ainda? obrigado pelo share, grande projeto! boa sorte.

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1 hora atrás, PaulinhoLP disse:

Olá, o acesso a source é privado ainda? obrigado pelo share, grande projeto! boa sorte.

hello :) its " private - free"  you can help the project and gain access or pay. for more info you can check :  

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Editado por AbSoLuTePoWeR


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  • 4 weeks later...

new update is out :) 

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Revision 572:

-Elroki , ToIVortex , Pagan , Oracle teleporters.
-shop distance(sell-buy) bug, thanks to exclusive for report.
-Monster Derby Track teleport. thanks to lorka for report.
-MissQueen multisell coupon. thanks to lorka for report.
-Olympiad spectator error thanks to magister for report.
-Quest ShowResult replace objId instead name.
-html over 200++ corrections typo - bypass.
-(Custom config) DAGGERS-ARCHERS wear HEAVY-LIGHT on use item 
unequip equipped item if config is false , to avoid stuck , thanks to exclusive for report.
-Npe on connection close , thanks to exclusive for report.
-Herbs auto destroy , thanks to exclusive for report.

-Implement L2off spawn data and territory system.
-xml spawn list added inside datapack data/xml/spawn.
-Sql spawn list has been merged with new spawn system and manage only the custom admin //spawn.
-Territory Monsters randomly spawn in their territory.
-Shift click on monters -> "visual" will allow you to check their territory.

Skill fix:
-fixed all chance skills.

-Siege(tasks - sql connection)

-Server-Player Variable
-ClientSetTime packet.
-AttackDeadTarget packet.
-AttackinCoolTime packet.
-AttackOutOfRange packet.


Clean up - Delete:
-remove L2ProtectorInstance.
-remove unused configs.
-remove AdminUnblockIp.
-remove VipTeleportCmd.
-AdminCommands.xml clean up. 

moved inside gameserver.model.spawn .

Dont forget: to update your databse and use geodata!!! is important for the new spawn system!


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